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F.A.Q. //

Every day, caring pet owners ask our doctors and staff about our clinic and how to best care for their pets. We have created this FAQ list to include both queries that we receive about pets as well as those we receive about our pet clinics. Have a query that isn't listed below? Contact us with any questions you may have!


​​Do you offer pet boarding?

We provide boarding in a safe, comfortable environment. All of our boarding services are customized to meet your pup’s needs, from daily walks and one-on-one attention to routine wellness care. We tailor our services to suit your dog’s specific needs and situation.

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Do you offer spay and neutering?

We offer both spay and neuter procedures for dogs and cats. The spay procedure for female dogs or cats involves surgically removing the uterus and cervix. The neuter procedure for male dogs or cats involves surgically removing the testicles. Pet spay and neuter surgeries are typically performed when your pet is between the ages of 6 and 12 months.

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At what age do we start vaccines?

Your puppy may be vaccinated against several ailments during his first few visits starting at 6 weeks old. Distemper, hepatitis, kennel cough, leptospirosis, parainfluenza, parvovirus, and rabies are among those that may be vaccinated. Calicivirus, chlamydia, distemper, leukemia, rhinotracheitis, and rabies are all screened for in kittens.

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Do you offer daycare?

Lucky Dog Daycare Highlights:

  •  Safety first! Thorough screening process including temperament testing

  • ·On-site trusted Veterinary Practice serving Decatur since 1979

  • Convenient drive-through drop-off and pick-up service with Clover easy pay 

  • Large Climate-controlled interior space for bad weather days.

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Do you offer grooming?

We offer bathing, pet ear cleaning, pet nail trimming, and anal sac expression. Currently, we do not offer hair trimming. 

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​​Do you have any recommendations for a new pet for our family?

The AVMA has put together a great page on things to consider when adding a pet to your family and home. This is a long-term decision and we are here to help answer any specific questions about breeds or special concerns with your home environment. 

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Do you have any recommendations about adoption?

See our list (helpful links) of some local shelters that may be ideal for adoption. Our partners at Zoetis have put together a lot of useful information about adopting pets at:

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My pet is lost do you have any tips for recovery?

​When your beloved dog is lost, it can be a traumatic experience for both of you. But don't panic—you need to think clearly, act quickly and create a game plan for recovering your pet based on typical lost dog behavior and its personality. Here is a page for some tips and some resources.

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What do I do if my dog bites someone or if I'm bitten?

Useful information about dog bites. 

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Here are some tips on preventing dog bites. 

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I found a wild animal that is hurt or needs assistance, What do I do?​


How to tell if baby animals are orphaned, injured or perfectly fine—and what to do if they need your help.

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